Systematized Barangay Record
Keeping Barangay records is a one way to easily track resident’s information. BIMS is capable in recording this bulk information and can be stored in a long period of time. This system can meet strategic objectives for reducing paper consumption and reducing time consuming file retrieval from bulky documents. BIMS can track residents record such as personal to family information, complaints to amicable settlement information (Barangay Justice System) and can create daily reports for the Barangay.
BIMS also help Barangay Information to be secured with the use of auto-backup database and system user level security preventing unauthorized personnel to access the information.
The ability of BIMS to monitor Residents Information, Business information and Property Information status is an essential feature that may help Barangay Officials in Decision making to formulate solutions, corresponding recommendations and appropriate positive actions.
Automated inventory
The System facilitates automated property inventory of the Barangay that can track location, cost, acquisition date and condition of the property. The system can speedily generate inventory with accuracy.
Administrative Convenience
The system facilitates the speedy processing of data which help employees increase their productivity and allows other important tasks to be devoted to rather than spending their time in manual manipulations of record that is time consuming.
- BIMS was developed using the VB.NET platform in a Mysql database windows-based application software that can be implemented in Stand-alone computers or Local Area networks.
- Secured BIMS application to prevent unauthorized access or to prevent exposure from a wide variety of threats.
- The system has an auto-backup feature to secure barangay data.
- Electronic Barangay record management system that can generate reliable, accurate, and complete Barangay Residents Information.
- Accessible Barangay information system with easy search capabilities and therefore it will be easy to find, retrieve and extract resident’s information.
- The system can accommodate residents’ photos as additional information.
- Record management system that can maintain resident’s record as complete and up-to-date as possible for verification.
- Barangay Business Management system that can accommodate Barangay Business Registration and can track validity period and expiration of registered business.
- Receipt issuance system that can compute document or tax fee and automatic printing of the receipt.
- Transaction log system that can record and retrieve transaction history.
- Barangay document issuance system that can generate Business Clearance, Residents Clearance, Certificate of Indigency, and Residents ID in just a matter of seconds.
- Barangay report generation system that can print updated resident information reports.
- Barangay report can be filtered by birthplace, gender, civil status, religion, educational attainment, occupation, zone/street/Purok, registered voter, residency status, profile status, and age range.
- Customized ready BIMS to fit with the requirement of Barangay LGU.
- Quick Search Capability that can be indexed using Residents Name, Resident Code, Gender, Civil Status, Citizenship, Religion, Zn/St/Purok, Profile Status, and Residency Status.
- BIMS can track location, description, account classification, cost, acquisition date, and condition of Barangay Property Plant and Equipment (PPE).
- Automated generation of Property (PPE) Inventory following the Commission on Audit’s Physical Count of Property prescribed format.